"Also the not given of names that Eden suggested is a good idea although they will use this & call us cowards " Unlike us who stand in full view & do not hide our faces, these cowards haven't even the courage to write their names. They do these things in secret because they are untrue"
Yes they will likely say this. It is a good idea to think of as many of the common JW rebuttals as possible and address them in the letter. Make it as hard as possible for Watchtower to find something original to say in response. Regarding the allegation of cowardice it can be addressed in the letter by stating the reason why, maybe with something like this:
"No doubt, you or others may be tempted to discredit what is stated in this letter by virtue of my anonymity, calling me a lying coward who refuses to give his name. I would not have to be a "coward" if this organization was truly benign - if this organization did not withhold a disassociating member's Jehovah's Witness family from him through the cruel and manipulative practice of shunning, as taught by Watchtower. It is precisely because this organization cruelly punishes those who leave, that I feel coerced to withhold my identity.
My anonymity is thus an indictment of this organization as it exposes it as the real coward; the coward who is afraid to give members the freedom to disassociate without punishment; the coward who uses the threat of family shunning to coerce unwilling members into remaining as captives on its membership roll because it is afraid of losing many members if members are given true freedom of membership without the undue influence in the form of the threat of family shunning."